We certainly hope everyone stayed warm after the cold front from last week. From everything we’re hearing from the weathermen, it’s going to be a cold, wet winter for the Permian Basin. However, Wildcat has some solutions so your company can avoid a cold weather crisis!
Back Up To A Generator
In West Texas, we can handle the heat, but wintertime can cause a bit of a challenge. Chilly weather can take its toll on machinery that isn’t usually used in those kinds of conditions. That can cause equipment to freeze, stall, or just stop working due to the cold. Planning ahead to have a backup generator can help take some of the workload off of your equipment. The generator can help provide power to the majority of your equipment without making it work through the cold on its own. The generators are also great as a backup in case of an equipment failure. Ice and snow can often prevent travel to and from locations, so including a generator in your plans can save you time, money, and potential travel accidents.
Let There Be Light
Wintery days mean the sun sets earlier and wintery nights means lots of darkness and colder temperatures. Once again, much of the equipment used in West Texas can withstand higher temperatures, but colder ones can make it difficult for traditional nighttime light sources. Wildcat’s portable light towers allow for better visibility during times with minimal light, providing a safer environment for your employees.
Seeking Shelter
Wildcat even offers mobile home rentals! During cold weather operations, it’s important to plan ahead for overnight stays. This is especially important during winter storms where precipitation can freeze roadways, making travel unsafe. If you know a job will take longer periods of time than normal due to weather conditions, we recommend looking into renting one of our mobile home units to provide dependable shelter for employees. You can even hook up one of our generators to it to ensure heat, electricity, and plumbing while your employees are away from home.
Wildcat is proud to provide you with quality, reliable rental equipment, regardless of your profession. We are available to answer any questions and to help you plan ahead so you can safely and effectively manage your work operations. Give us a call today!
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